Friends Together

At Friends’ we believe in the transformative power of education to change lives. We seek to achieve this impact with the active support of all members of our School community. Friends’ Together is a time when we can all contribute vital philanthropic support to enhance the Friends’ experience and enable our students to realise their personal potential.

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It is with a deep sense of purpose that I invite you to join me in supporting The Friends’ Fellowship. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of students who do not have the financial means to access the exceptional educational experience we offer. No gift is too small and every contribution matters. Together we can create life-changing opportunities for students who deserve a chance to thrive.

Esther Hill, Principal

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The impact of an education at The Friends’ School has transformed my life. I completed Year 11 & 12 at Friends’ and am very grateful for the support from the Friends’ community, who helped pay for the majority of my education. My Friends’ education through the IB diploma set me up extremely well for studying a Bachelor of Music at the UTAS Conservatorium of Music. My time at Friends’ also reinforced to me the importance and rewards of hard work, friendship and service. As a recipient of support from the Friends’ community, I encourage everyone to give to Friends’ Together 2024.

Sarah Chick (Jack), Class of 2020

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The Friends' Fellowship 2024

Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes Fund

Access a Friends’ education

Your donation will enable a young person, whose family are without the means to attend the School, to access a Friends’ education and contribute to our learning community. Together we can give the gift of opportunity.

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New and Enhanced Facilities

Building and Development Fund

Support student learning

Your donation will contribute to the enhancement and development of new facilities in which our students learn and grow.

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Information Literacy

Library Fund

Support digital access and learning

Your donation will fund vital resources across the School Libraries that support student digital learning in an increasingly online and complex world.

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756 donors $105,719.25 generous donations received as at Tuesday 8 October 2024
“I’d always heard that philanthropy was a strong message that the School set, but it wasn’t until it directly affected me that I had a true understanding of just how deeply it can affect people. I had come through a very difficult time with our family circumstances and if it wasn’t for the School’s philanthropy and generosity neither me or my sister would have been able to carry on at the School.” David Ovens (Class of 2017)
“The most important feature to get across is there is great joy in giving.” Andrew Brice (Class of 1961) Founder, The Mather Endowment Trust
“In 1984 I was fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship which enabled me to attend the School and access a broad range of philanthropy that was on offer at Friends’.” Sam Ibbott (Class of 1990), Current Parent
“It’s quite an emotional experience meeting people that put so much into you as a person and really see potential and gifting you something that you never really think you can give back. But I think you can give back by just trying your best and that’s exactly what I’ve done.” Billee Hassett (Class of 2021)
“My dad was really ill and without the donors giving us that support I wouldn’t have been able to come to Friends’ and experience everything that I did.” Nina Ovens (Class of 2021)
“We see philanthropy in many instances around the School whether it be the volunteers who come along and give their time or give their expertise, to the alumni of the School who donate to the fundraising we put forward and old scholars who have left significant sums to the School in their Wills.” Craig Stephens, Past Parent, Presiding Member, Board of Governors
“I was determined that my children would come here because of the positive experience I’d had and at the time that my wife and I were parents at the School, the School actually helped us at a time when I was retraining at University.” Mark Nicholson (Class of 1971), Past Staff, Past Parent
For more than 130 years, The Friends’ School has advanced through the generosity of our benefactors.

The Friends’ School was founded in 1887 with remarkable gifts of funds, made by donors committed to creating a school grounded in Quaker values and practice. Philanthropy from its community is a distinguishing hallmark of all leading schools around the world. Our remarkable school is where it is today, thanks to vision and donations from many people that our current students, families and staff have not or may never meet.

In this phase of philanthropy at Friends’ we continue to support students to make a positive difference throughout the world and let their lives speak. We remain focused on providing support for needs-based bursaries that enable children to attend The Friends’ School. Our ability as a community to look beyond short-term outcomes sets us apart and we will continue to provide a progressive, co-educational education open to all and based on Quaker values.